Mayors of Belize Participate In Virtual National Consultation

Today the Mayors of Belize participated in a Virtual National Consultation focused on Regional Capacity Building in Municipal Finances Project. This consultation was a joint effort by political and administrative local government leaders, representatives from the Ministry of Local Government, the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).

The consultation afforded our Mayors the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills as it relates to resource mobilization, budgeting and expenditure management, all of which have become even more vital as all municipalities has seen the undeniable economic devastation brought about as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Mayors plan to use the information shared in these discussions to enhance their response to the demands and needs of their residents during this unprecedented time.

We extend our gratitude to Hon. Oscar Requeña and Mr. Valentino Shal from the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government, Dr.Darran Newman and Ian Durant from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Sandra Singh from the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF), our CDB Consultant and Personnel Nana-Hesse Bayne and Mr. Damien Reeves, Director of Local Government Clifford King and our city and town administrators. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!                             ~TOGETHER WE CREATE A BETTER TOMORROW

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